Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Resource Based Economy (RBE)


Definition (as given Jacque Fresco):
A Resource Based Economy (RBE) is an economic system in which all goods and services are available without the use of money, credit, barter, or any other form of debt/servitued to obtain the goods or services in question. All resources become common heritage of all of the people in the world. This means that all goods are distributed as equally as possible.

Features of a Resource Based Economy:
  • An RBE strives to create renewable energy facilities (and enough of them) to completely eliminate any worry of energy shortage.Renewable energy sources are obviously favorable over finite energy resources (such as oil, gas, etc..). With only renewable energy humanity will not have to focus on powering itself and will instead be able to focus on improving energy methods to become more reliable and produce more while expending less resources to maintain these renewable energy sources as well as improving technology in general. This would be a huge step forward as it would allow us to relocate a much larger portion of our human capital to furthering humanity.
  • Another feature of an RBE is the removal of planned obsolescence. Planned obsolescence is the planned break-down of goods that our current Monetary Based Economy (MBE) utilizes. The point of planned obsolescence is to make a good that will eventually break down, making the consumer return again and again every time the good breaks down. This allows for companies to make continuous profit. A major drawback of this is that every time a good breaks an identical good is there to replace it, this means we waste a ton of resources continuously remaking goods that we know are going to eventually break. Planned Obsolescence = Backbone of MBE = Major waste of resources.
  • Money does not exist in an RBE, it is completely obsolete in the RBE because all resources are made public to everyone. This defeats the purpose of even considering making goods that utilize planned obsolescence because there is no profit waiting on remaking these goods over and over again. This means that when goods are built they are built to last. Money is a social agreement and if a  large majority of the population of a society refused to use money, it would be worthless. Money would also be abolished because it is not a natural resource in any way, meaning there is literally no use for it (expect maybe as toilet paper).
    • If removing money seems like a scary idea then imagine that you have the option to live on one of these two islands, island x and island y.
      • Island X has a large stockpile of money, you have as much money as you can dream and you have the most money on the island. But this island has a drawback, there are very few natural resources, almost none at all in fact.
      • Island Y on the other hand has no money what so ever, it only has a large abundance of natural resources. These resources are free to be utilized by whomever wishes to utilize them.
  • Jobs in a RBE are largely taken over by mechanization. Mechanization is the robotic replacement of human workers with robot workers. Robot workers are better in every way. They work 24/7, they never need rest, they never need vacations, they never complain or strike, this means that a robot can function 27/7 365 days a year with not a second of production lost in between. The question that is always asked at this point is: "Well then, what do the people do then?". This question has a lot of weight and the answer that I have come up with at this point is that all of the people that no longer need to work now either help in maintaining the robots or do anything else that furthers humanity technologically. This implies that technological advancement will be much faster in an RBE because we have a much larger group of people working to better humanity. 
    • A problem that is brought up is that because people do not have to work, they will become fat, lazy slobs. This is not true. Think back to when you were a kid and everything was interesting, everything had a new meaning and your imagination was free to wander and explore the impossible. Then as you grew older, worries started to take those spaces in your mind over. These worries including getting into a good college (to receive a good salary later) or how to pay for your rent, food, your car, etc... As you can see, not having to worry about how much money you need to survive will not make people lazy, but will most likely spark inspiration to return to that child-like state of mind that allows each and every person to explore their own ideals and wants and not be held back by how much it would cost.
  • The system that an RBE works off of is as follows:
  •  Here is how this diagram works. Unbroken lines mean direct result and dashed lines mean indirect relation. First our central database takes into. 
    • The system begins with a central database that contains information on the location and amount of all known resources. This allows the system to utilize the best possible utilization of resources. 
    • Once the database is compiled people people can access it to utilize the resources they need, this amount  of the resource is then taken from it's location and stored. The storage facility keeps a record of the amount of resources inside of the storage facility and allows for the quickest possible access of the storage facility for production. 
    • When production occurs, the resources are taken from the storage facility and brought to a production facility. The product is added to another part of the database, which measures the amount of products a certain city. The Product part of the database is different in each city, although these do connect back up to a central database so the flow of resource use can be managed.
    • Once a good is produced it is moved to the people to be used. The database keeps a record of the amount of people in the world as well and this, like the product database, is different in each city but at the same time connects to a central number to record the number of people in the world (think of it as a automatic census machine that counts people every time one is born rather than every 4 years). 
    • The expulsion of the planned obsolescence of goods allows goods to last for a much longer period of time, meaning that goods rarely break down. But when they do, everything that can be recycled is recycled and added back to the resource storage part of the database. This allows for resources to be continuously reused and since goods are generally built of recyclable resources, there is very little that can not be extracted from the recycling process.
    • The cycle continues on like this as long as possible.

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